A story of chance

Why does a young girl drive you crazy?
Is it the pussy is it the magic?
Is it the heart-break is it the passion?
Is it the way she makes you feel like Jesus isn't real
The way she keeps it chill, no faking in her steams
So proud to call her yours tattoo her name across my spin
How it feels like it can never be more than this

How it hurts when she says nothing to your hello

When she doesn't answer for days and you go through all the phases

when she cries it kills everything inside

How you die when you realize she is no longer by your side

Why does a young girl drive you crazy

Having you running wild for the kisses and time

When she looks better than life better than the next


Why does a young girl drive you crazy

Make you wish you were chocolate, so you could melt into her dreams

Why is she built like a king, her word law

With red eyes, I stay drunk all night wondering how I lost it to her smile



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