
We died covered in the blood of a thousand evils,
Bodies filled with the scars of a thousand war zones,
A journey built on blood, sweat and tears,
Brotherhood, camaraderie,
Allies, swords across our backs we ride to the hills,
Hearts and guts the highest stakes,

For  kingdom , citizen, country-men,
We march on with no restraint,
Motivated by freewill and smiles on cupid faces,
We pray to The One up high,
Set fire to his heart who's got my six

We fight for what is just, right, 
Eden's flight, 
Heaven's might,
The freedom of every mortal man,
Be my fate rooted to the soil of my mother, 
The land of my beloved,
As the light guides me on,
To the shores of the everlasting sea,
And her loving foam embrace  me.

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